

文章编号:18625 / 更新时间:2024-03-05 14:41:52 / 浏览:

Feeling under the weather? Drink more warm water! Upset stomach? Drink more warm water! Sore throat? Drink more warm water! Especially recently, the advice to drink more warm water has been frequently mentioned. However, there is a proper way to drink water~ Drinking warm water does not equal drinking scalding hot water. In the list of carcinogens published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization, drinking hot beverages above 65℃ may increase the risk of esophageal cancer and is categorized as 2A carcinogen (probably carcinogenic). When individuals consume food at a high temperature, it can cause certain degree of burns to the oral and esophageal mucosa. The burnt surface layer of the esophageal mucosa will shed and regenerate in time. Repeated thermal injuries can accelerate cell lead to mutations, potentially resulting in cell carcinogenesis. Therefore, it is advisable not to drink scalding hot water! Firstly, it can scald the mouth; secondly, it may induce carcinogenesis.

When should you drink water? For most people, when you thirsty, your body has already lost some water (1%-2%). Therefore, it is recommended to drink water proactively even when not feeling thirsty. You can also observe your urine, if it is scanty and dark yellow, it indicates that you need to drink more water. For individuals who habit drink less water, their sense of thirst may diminish, which means they are less likely to feel thirsty, leading to even lower water intake. Therefore, it is important to drink water in small amounts multiple times and develop a habit. Can drinking overnight water cause cancer? The nitrite content in overnight water does not exceed the national drinking water standard, and definitely is not as high as that in pickled products. As for whether to drink overnight water, it depends on your storage conditions, leaving it exposed for a few days can easily accumulate dust!

How much water should you drink in a day According to the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" issued by the State Council, water intake is explicitly included in the action goals, emphasizing adequate water intake with a general recommendation of 7-8 cups per day for adults (1500-1700ml), advocating for drinking plain tea and reducing the consumption of sugary drinks. Suitable water intake for different age groups: 0-6 months infants: 0.7L/d (liters per day) 7-12 months infants: 0.9L/d 1-3 years toddlers: 1./d 4-6 years children: 1.6L/d 7-10 years children: 1.8L/d 11-13 years boys: 2.3L/d 11-13 years girls: 2.0L/d 14-17 years boys:.5L/d 14-17 years girls: 2.2L/d Adult males: adequate total water intake is 3.0L/d Adult females: adequate total water intake is 2.7L/d Pregnant women: adequate total water intake is 3.0L Breastfeeding mothers: adequate total water intake is 3.8L/d Starting from today, drink water for your health!



经常喝热水,实际上是和温度跟人体体温差不多的白开水,或者说是叫温热水。 确实是有很多好处的:1、心脏病睡前一杯救命水如果你心脏不好,可以养成睡前一杯水的习惯,这样可以预防容易发生在凌晨的,像心绞痛、心肌梗塞这样的疾病。 心肌梗塞等疾病是由于血液的黏稠度高而引起的。 当人熟睡时,由于出汗,身体内的水分丢失,造成血液中的水分减少,血液的黏稠度会变得很高。 但是,如果在睡前喝上一杯水的话,可以减低血液的黏稠度,减少心脏病突发的危险。 2、色斑清晨一杯凉白开很多人都听说过早晨喝一杯水对身体有好处。 有人喝盐水,有人喝蜂蜜水,还有人为了美白喝柠檬水,人体经过了一宿的代谢,体内的垃圾需要一个强有力的外作用帮助排泄,如果是糖水或放入营养物质的水,这就需要时间在体内转化,不能起到迅速冲刷我们机体的作用。 3、感冒要喝比平时更多的水每到感冒的时候,就会听到医生唠叨:“多喝水呀!”这句医嘱对于感冒病人是最好的处方。 因为当人感冒发烧的时候,人体出于自我保护机能的反应而自身降温,这时就会有出汗、呼吸急促、皮肤蒸发的水分增多等代谢加快的表现,这时就需要补充大量的水分,身体也会有叫渴的表现。 多多喝水不仅促使汗出和排尿,而且有利于体温的调节,促使体内细菌病毒迅速排泄掉。 4、胃疼喝粥“水养护”有胃病的人,或者感到胃不舒服,可以采取喝粥的“水养护”措施。 熬粥的温度要超过60℃,这个温度会产生一种糊化作用,软嫩热腾的稀饭入口即化,下肚后非常容易消化,很适合肠胃不适的人食用。 稀饭中含有的大量水分,还能有效地润滑肠道,荡涤肠胃中的有害物质,并顺利地把它们带出体外。 5、便秘大口地喝水便秘的成因简单地讲有两条:一个是体内有宿便,缺乏水分,二是肠道等器官没有了排泄力。 前者需要查清病因,日常多饮水。 后者需要大口地喝水,吞咽动作快一些,这样水就能够尽快地到达结肠,刺激肠蠕动,促进排便。 记住,不要小口地喝,那样水流速度慢,水很容易在胃里被吸收,产生小便。 另外,还有预防便秘,缓解情绪等作用。









相关标签: 多喝热水其实没你想的那么简单到底有没有用




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